Source code for pyArango.collection

import json
import types
from future.utils import with_metaclass
from enum import Enum
from . import consts as CONST

from .document import Document, Edge

from .theExceptions import ValidationError, SchemaViolation, CreationError, UpdateError, DeletionError, InvalidDocument, ExportError, DocumentNotFoundError, ArangoError, BulkOperationError, IndexError

from .query import SimpleQuery
from .index import Index

__all__ = ["Collection", "Edges", "Field", "DocumentCache", "CachedDoc", "Collection_metaclass", "getCollectionClass", "isCollection", "isDocumentCollection", "isEdgeCollection", "getCollectionClasses"]

class BulkMode(Enum):
    NONE = 0
    INSERT = 1
    UPDATE = 2
    DELETE = 3

[docs]class CachedDoc(object): """A cached document""" def __init__(self, document, prev, nextDoc): self.prev = prev self.document = document self.nextDoc = nextDoc self._key = document._key def __getitem__(self, k): return self.document[k] def __setitem__(self, k, v): self.document[k] = v def __getattribute__(self, k): try: return object.__getattribute__(self, k) except Exception as e1: try: return getattr(self.document, k) except Exception as e2: raise e2
[docs]class DocumentCache(object): "Document cache for collection, with insert, deletes and updates in O(1)" def __init__(self, cacheSize): self.cacheSize = cacheSize self.cacheStore = {} self.head = None self.tail = None def cache(self, doc): if doc._key in self.cacheStore: ret = self.cacheStore[doc._key] if ret.prev is not None: ret.prev.nextDoc = ret.nextDoc self.head.prev = ret ret.nextDoc = self.head self.head = ret return self.head else: if len(self.cacheStore) == 0: ret = CachedDoc(doc, prev = None, nextDoc = None) self.head = ret self.tail = self.head self.cacheStore[doc._key] = ret else: if len(self.cacheStore) >= self.cacheSize: del(self.cacheStore[self.tail._key]) self.tail = self.tail.prev self.tail.nextDoc = None ret = CachedDoc(doc, prev = None, nextDoc = self.head) self.head.prev = ret self.head = self.head.prev self.cacheStore[doc._key] = ret
[docs] def delete(self, _key): "removes a document from the cache" try: doc = self.cacheStore[_key] doc.prev.nextDoc = doc.nextDoc doc.nextDoc.prev = doc.prev del(self.cacheStore[_key]) except KeyError: raise KeyError("Document with _key %s is not available in cache" % _key)
[docs] def getChain(self): "returns a list of keys representing the chain of documents" l = [] h = self.head while h: l.append(h._key) h = h.nextDoc return l
[docs] def stringify(self): "a pretty str version of getChain()" l = [] h = self.head while h: l.append(str(h._key)) h = h.nextDoc return "<->".join(l)
def __getitem__(self, _key): try: ret = self.cacheStore[_key] self.cache(ret) return ret except KeyError: raise KeyError("Document with _key %s is not available in cache" % _key) def __repr__(self): return "[DocumentCache, size: %d, full: %d]" %(self.cacheSize, len(self.cacheStore))
[docs]class Field(object): """The class for defining pyArango fields.""" def __init__(self, validators = None, default = None): """validators must be a list of validators. default can also be a callable""" if not validators: validators = [] self.validators = validators self.default = default
[docs] def validate(self, value): """checks the validity of 'value' given the lits of validators""" for v in self.validators: v.validate(value) return True
def __str__(self): strv = [] for v in self.validators: strv.append(str(v)) return "<Field, validators: '%s'>" % ', '.join(strv)
[docs]class Collection_metaclass(type): """The metaclass that takes care of keeping a register of all collection types""" collectionClasses = {} _validationDefault = { 'on_save' : False, 'on_set' : False, 'on_load' : False, 'allow_foreign_fields' : True } def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): def check_set_ConfigDict(dictName): defaultDict = getattr(cls, "%sDefault" % dictName) if dictName not in attrs: attrs[dictName] = defaultDict else: for k, v in attrs[dictName].items(): if k not in defaultDict: raise KeyError("Unknown validation parameter '%s' for class '%s'" %(k, name)) if type(v) is not type(defaultDict[k]): raise ValueError("'%s' parameter '%s' for class '%s' is of type '%s' instead of '%s'" %(dictName, k, name, type(v), type(defaultDict[k]))) for k, v in defaultDict.items(): if k not in attrs[dictName]: attrs[dictName][k] = v check_set_ConfigDict('_validation') clsObj = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) Collection_metaclass.collectionClasses[name] = clsObj return clsObj
[docs] @classmethod def getCollectionClass(cls, name): """Return the class object of a collection given its 'name'""" try: return cls.collectionClasses[name] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "There is no Collection Class of type: '%s'; currently supported values: [%s]" % (name, ', '.join(getCollectionClasses().keys())) )
[docs] @classmethod def isCollection(cls, name): """return true or false wether 'name' is the name of collection.""" return name in cls.collectionClasses
[docs] @classmethod def isDocumentCollection(cls, name): """return true or false wether 'name' is the name of a document collection.""" try: col = cls.getCollectionClass(name) return issubclass(col, Collection) except KeyError: return False
[docs] @classmethod def isEdgeCollection(cls, name): """return true or false wether 'name' is the name of an edge collection.""" try: col = cls.getCollectionClass(name) return issubclass(col, Edges) except KeyError: return False
[docs]def getCollectionClass(name): """return true or false wether 'name' is the name of collection.""" return Collection_metaclass.getCollectionClass(name)
[docs]def isCollection(name): """return true or false wether 'name' is the name of a document collection.""" return Collection_metaclass.isCollection(name)
[docs]def isDocumentCollection(name): """return true or false wether 'name' is the name of a document collection.""" return Collection_metaclass.isDocumentCollection(name)
[docs]def isEdgeCollection(name): """return true or false wether 'name' is the name of an edge collection.""" return Collection_metaclass.isEdgeCollection(name)
[docs]def getCollectionClasses(): """returns a dictionary of all defined collection classes""" return Collection_metaclass.collectionClasses
[docs]class Collection(with_metaclass(Collection_metaclass, object)): """A document collection. Collections are meant to be instanciated by databases""" #here you specify the fields that you want for the documents in your collection _fields = {} _validation = { 'on_save' : False, 'on_set' : False, 'on_load' : False, 'allow_foreign_fields' : True } arangoPrivates = ["_id", "_key", "_rev"] def __init__(self, database, jsonData): self.database = database self.connection = self.database.connection = self.__class__.__name__ for k in jsonData: setattr(self, k, jsonData[k]) self.documentCache = None self.documentClass = Document self.indexes = { "primary" : {}, "hash" : {}, "skiplist" : {}, "persistent": {}, "ttl": {}, "geo" : {}, "fulltext" : {}, } self.indexes_by_name = {} # self.defaultDocument = None #getDefaultDoc(self._fields, {}) self._isBulkInProgress = False self._bulkSize = 0 self._bulkCache = [] self._bulkMode = BulkMode.NONE def getDefaultDocument(self, fields=None, dct=None): if dct is None: dct = {} if fields is None: fields = self._fields for k, v in fields.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): dct[k] = self.getDefaultDocument(fields[k], None) elif isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, tuple): dct[k] = [] elif isinstance(v, Field): if callable(v.default): dct[k] = v.default() else : dct[k] = v.default else: raise ValueError("Field '%s' is of invalid type '%s'" % (k, type(v)) ) return dct def getURL(self): return "%s/collection/%s" % (self.database.getURL(), def getDocumentsURL(self): return "%s/document" % (self.database.getURL())
[docs] def getIndexes(self): """Fills self.indexes with all the indexes associates with the collection and returns it""" self.indexes_by_name = {} url = "%s/index" % self.database.getURL() r = self.connection.session.get(url, params = {"collection":}) data = r.json() for ind in data["indexes"]: index = Index(collection = self, infos = ind) self.indexes[ind["type"]][ind["id"]] = index if "name" in ind: self.indexes_by_name[ind["name"]] = index return self.indexes
def getIndex(self, name): if len(self.indexes_by_name) == 0: raise IndexError("named indices unsupported") return self.indexes_by_name[name]
[docs] def activateCache(self, cacheSize): """Activate the caching system. Cached documents are only available through the __getitem__ interface""" self.documentCache = DocumentCache(cacheSize)
[docs] def deactivateCache(self): "deactivate the caching system" self.documentCache = None
[docs] def delete(self): """deletes the collection from the database""" r = self.connection.session.delete(self.getURL()) data = r.json() if not r.status_code == 200 or data["error"]: raise DeletionError(data["errorMessage"], data)
[docs] def createDocument(self, initDict = None): """create and returns a completely empty document or one populated with initDict""" # res = dict(self.defaultDocument) res = self.getDefaultDocument() if initDict is not None: res.update(initDict) return self.documentClass(self, res)
def _writeBatch(self): if not self._bulkCache: return if self._bulkMode != BulkMode.INSERT: raise UpdateError("Mixed bulk operations not supported - have " + str(self._bulkMode)) payload = [] for d in self._bulkCache: if isinstance(d,dict): payload.append(json.dumps(d, default=str)) else: try: payload.append(d.toJson()) except Exception as e: payload.append(json.dumps(d.getStore(), default=str)) payload = '[' + ','.join(payload) + ']' r =, params = self._batchParams, data = payload) data = r.json() if (not isinstance(data, list)): raise UpdateError("expected reply to be a json array" + r) i = 0 bulkError = None for xd in data: if not '_key' in xd and 'error' in xd and 'errorNum' in xd: if bulkError is None: bulkError = BulkOperationError("saving failed") bulkError.addBulkError(ArangoError(xd), self._bulkCache[i]) else: self._bulkCache[i].setPrivates(xd) self._bulkCache[i]._key = \ xd['_key'] i += 1 if bulkError is not None: self._bulkCache = [] raise bulkError self._bulkCache = [] def _saveBatch(self, document, params): if self._bulkMode != BulkMode.NONE and self._bulkMode != BulkMode.INSERT: raise UpdateError("Mixed bulk operations not supported - have " + str(self._bulkMode)) self._bulkMode = BulkMode.INSERT self._bulkCache.append(document) self._batchParams = params if len(self._bulkCache) == self._bulkSize: self._writeBatch() self._bulkMode = BulkMode.NONE def _updateBatch(self): if not self._bulkCache: return if self._bulkMode != BulkMode.UPDATE: raise UpdateError("Mixed bulk operations not supported - have " + str(self._bulkMode)) payload = [] for d in self._bulkCache: dPayload = d._store.getPatches() if d.collection._validation['on_save']: d.validate() if isinstance(d,dict): payload.append(json.dumps(d, default=str)) else: try: payload.append(d.toJson()) except Exception as e: payload.append(json.dumps(d.getStore(), default=str)) payload = '[' + ','.join(payload) + ']' r = self.connection.session.patch(self.getDocumentsURL(), params = self._batchParams, data = payload) data = r.json() if (not isinstance(data, list)): raise UpdateError("expected reply to be a json array" + dir(r)) i = 0 bulkError = None for xd in data: if not '_key' in xd and 'error' in xd and 'errorNum' in xd: if bulkError is None: bulkError = BulkOperationError("patching failed") bulkError.addBulkError(ArangoError(xd), str(self._bulkCache[i])) else: self._bulkCache[i].setPrivates(xd) self._bulkCache[i]._key = \ xd['_key'] i += 1 self._bulkCache = [] if bulkError is not None: raise bulkError def _patchBatch(self, document, params): if self._bulkMode != BulkMode.NONE and self._bulkMode != BulkMode.UPDATE: raise UpdateError("Mixed bulk operations not supported - have " + str(self._bulkMode)) self._bulkMode = BulkMode.UPDATE self._bulkCache.append(document) self._batchParams = params if len(self._bulkCache) == self._bulkSize: self._updateBatch() self._bulkMode = BulkMode.NONE def _removeBatch(self): if not self._bulkCache: return if self._bulkMode != BulkMode.DELETE: raise UpdateError("Mixed bulk operations not supported - have " + self._bulkMode) payload = [] for d in self._bulkCache: if isinstance(d,dict): payload.append('"%s"' % d['_key']) else: try: payload.append('"%s"' % d['_key']) except Exception as e: payload.append('"%s"' % d['_key']) payload = '[' + ','.join(payload) + ']' r = self.connection.session.delete(self.getDocumentsURL() + "/" +, params = self._batchParams, data = payload) data = r.json() if (not isinstance(data, list)): raise UpdateError("expected reply to be a json array" + r) i = 0 bulkError = None for xd in data: if not '_key' in xd and 'error' in xd and 'errorNum' in xd: if bulkError is None: bulkError = BulkOperationError("deleting failed") bulkError.addBulkError(ArangoError(xd), self._bulkCache[i]) else: self._bulkCache[i].reset(self) i += 1 self._bulkCache = [] if bulkError is not None: raise bulkError def _deleteBatch(self, document, params): if self._bulkMode != BulkMode.NONE and self._bulkMode != BulkMode.DELETE: raise UpdateError("Mixed bulk operations not supported - have " + str(self._bulkMode)) self._bulkMode = BulkMode.DELETE self._bulkCache.append(document) self._batchParams = params if len(self._bulkCache) == self._bulkSize: self._removeBatch() self._bulkMode = BulkMode.NONE def _finalizeBatch(self): if self._bulkMode == BulkMode.INSERT: self._writeBatch() elif self._bulkMode == BulkMode.UPDATE: self._updateBatch() elif self._bulkMode == BulkMode.DELETE: self._removeBatch() # elif self._bulkMode == BulkMode.NONE: self._bulkSize = 0 self._isBulkInProgress = False self._batchParams = None self._bulkMode = BulkMode.NONE def importBulk(self, data, **addParams): url = "%s/import" % (self.database.getURL()) payload = json.dumps(data, default=str) params = {"collection":, "type": "auto"} params.update(addParams) r = , params = params, data = payload) data = r.json() if not r.status_code == 201 or data["error"]: raise CreationError(data["errorMessage"], data) return data def exportDocs( self, **data): url = "%s/export" % (self.database.getURL()) params = {"collection":} payload = json.dumps(data) r =, params = params, data = payload) data = r.json() if not r.status_code == 201 or data["error"]: raise ExportError( data["errorMessage"], data ) docs = data['result'] return docs
[docs] def ensureHashIndex(self, fields, unique = False, sparse = True, deduplicate = False, name = None): """Creates a hash index if it does not already exist, and returns it""" data = { "type" : "hash", "fields" : fields, "unique" : unique, "sparse" : sparse, "deduplicate": deduplicate } if name: data["name"] = name ind = Index(self, creationData = data) self.indexes["hash"][ind.infos["id"]] = ind if name: self.indexes_by_name[name] = ind return ind
[docs] def ensureSkiplistIndex(self, fields, unique = False, sparse = True, deduplicate = False, name = None): """Creates a skiplist index if it does not already exist, and returns it""" data = { "type" : "skiplist", "fields" : fields, "unique" : unique, "sparse" : sparse, "deduplicate": deduplicate } if name: data["name"] = name ind = Index(self, creationData = data) self.indexes["skiplist"][ind.infos["id"]] = ind if name: self.indexes_by_name[name] = ind return ind
[docs] def ensurePersistentIndex(self, fields, unique = False, sparse = True, deduplicate = False, name = None): """Creates a persistent index if it does not already exist, and returns it""" data = { "type" : "persistent", "fields" : fields, "unique" : unique, "sparse" : sparse, "deduplicate": deduplicate } if name: data["name"] = name ind = Index(self, creationData = data) self.indexes["skiplist"][ind.infos["id"]] = ind if name: self.indexes_by_name[name] = ind return ind
[docs] def ensureTTLIndex(self, fields, expireAfter, unique = False, sparse = True, name = None): """Creates a TTL index if it does not already exist, and returns it""" data = { "type" : "ttl", "fields" : fields, "unique" : unique, "sparse" : sparse, "expireAfter" : expireAfter } if name: data["name"] = name ind = Index(self, creationData = data) self.indexes["skiplist"][ind.infos["id"]] = ind if name: self.indexes_by_name[name] = ind return ind
[docs] def ensureGeoIndex(self, fields, name = None): """Creates a geo index if it does not already exist, and returns it""" data = { "type" : "geo", "fields" : fields, } if name: data["name"] = name ind = Index(self, creationData = data) self.indexes["geo"][ind.infos["id"]] = ind if name: self.indexes_by_name[name] = ind return ind
[docs] def ensureFulltextIndex(self, fields, minLength = None, name = None): """Creates a fulltext index if it does not already exist, and returns it""" data = { "type" : "fulltext", "fields" : fields, } if name: data["name"] = name if minLength is not None: data["minLength"] = minLength ind = Index(self, creationData = data) self.indexes["fulltext"][ind.infos["id"]] = ind if name: self.indexes_by_name[name] = ind return ind
[docs] def ensureIndex(self, index_type, fields, name=None, **index_args): """Creates an index of any type.""" data = { "type" : index_type, "fields" : fields, } data.update(index_args) if name: data["name"] = name ind = Index(self, creationData = data) self.indexes[index_type][ind.infos["id"]] = ind if name: self.indexes_by_name[name] = ind return ind
[docs] def restoreIndexes(self, indexes_dct=None): """restores all previously removed indexes""" if indexes_dct is None: indexes_dct = self.indexes for typ in indexes_dct.keys(): if typ != "primary": for name, idx in indexes_dct[typ].items(): infos = dict(idx.infos) del infos["fields"] self.ensureIndex(typ, idx.infos["fields"], **infos)
[docs] def validatePrivate(self, field, value): """validate a private field value""" if field not in self.arangoPrivates: raise ValueError("%s is not a private field of collection %s" % (field, self)) if field in self._fields: self._fields[field].validate(value) return True
[docs] @classmethod def hasField(cls, fieldName): """returns True/False wether the collection has field K in it's schema. Use the dot notation for the nested fields: address.street""" path = fieldName.split(".") v = cls._fields for k in path: try: v = v[k] except KeyError: return False return True
[docs] def fetchDocument(self, key, rawResults = False, rev = None): """Fetches a document from the collection given it's key. This function always goes straight to the db and bypasses the cache. If you want to take advantage of the cache use the __getitem__ interface: collection[key]""" url = "%s/%s/%s" % (self.getDocumentsURL(),, key) if rev is not None: r = self.connection.session.get(url, params = {'rev' : rev}) else: r = self.connection.session.get(url) if r.status_code < 400: if rawResults: return r.json() return self.documentClass(self, r.json(), on_load_validation=self._validation["on_load"]) elif r.status_code == 404 : raise DocumentNotFoundError("Unable to find document with _key: %s" % key, r.json()) raise DocumentNotFoundError("Unable to find document with _key: %s, response: %s" % (key, r.json()), r.json())
[docs] def fetchByExample(self, exampleDict, batchSize, rawResults = False, **queryArgs): """exampleDict should be something like {'age' : 28}""" return self.simpleQuery('by-example', rawResults, example = exampleDict, batchSize = batchSize, **queryArgs)
[docs] def fetchFirstExample(self, exampleDict, rawResults = False): """exampleDict should be something like {'age' : 28}. returns only a single element but still in a SimpleQuery object. returns the first example found that matches the example""" return self.simpleQuery('first-example', rawResults = rawResults, example = exampleDict)
[docs] def fetchAll(self, rawResults = False, **queryArgs): """Returns all the documents in the collection. You can use the optinal arguments 'skip' and 'limit':: fetchAll(limit = 3, skip = 10)""" return self.simpleQuery('all', rawResults = rawResults, **queryArgs)
[docs] def simpleQuery(self, queryType, rawResults = False, **queryArgs): """General interface for simple queries. queryType can be something like 'all', 'by-example' etc... everything is in the arango doc. If rawResults, the query will return dictionaries instead of Document objetcs. """ return SimpleQuery(self, queryType, rawResults, **queryArgs)
[docs] def action(self, method, action, **params): """a generic fct for interacting everything that doesn't have an assigned fct""" fct = getattr(self.connection.session, method.lower()) r = fct(self.getURL() + "/" + action, params = params) return r.json()
[docs] def bulkSave(self, docs, onDuplicate="error", **params): """Parameter docs must be either an iterrable of documents or dictionnaries. This function will return the number of documents, created and updated, and will raise an UpdateError exception if there's at least one error. params are any parameters from arango's documentation""" payload = [] for d in docs: if isinstance(d,dict): payload.append(json.dumps(d, default=str)) else: try: payload.append(d.toJson()) except Exception as e: payload.append(json.dumps(d.getStore(), default=str)) payload = '\n'.join(payload) params["type"] = "documents" params["onDuplicate"] = onDuplicate params["collection"] = url = "%s/import" % self.database.getURL() r =, params = params, data = payload) data = r.json() if (r.status_code == 201) and "error" not in data: return True if "errors" in data and data["errors"] > 0: raise UpdateError("%d documents could not be created" % data["errors"], data) elif data["error"]: raise UpdateError("Documents could not be created", data) return data["updated"] + data["created"]
[docs] def bulkImport_json(self, filename, onDuplicate="error", formatType="auto", **params): """bulk import from a file repecting arango's key/value format""" url = "%s/import" % self.database.getURL() params["onDuplicate"] = onDuplicate params["collection"] = params["type"] = formatType with open(filename) as f: data = r =, params = params, data = data) if r.status_code != 201: raise UpdateError('Unable to bulk import JSON', r)
[docs] def bulkImport_values(self, filename, onDuplicate="error", **params): """bulk import from a file repecting arango's json format""" url = "%s/import" % self.database.getURL() params["onDuplicate"] = onDuplicate params["collection"] = with open(filename) as f: data = r =, params = params, data = data) if r.status_code != 201: raise UpdateError('Unable to bulk import values', r)
[docs] def truncate(self): """deletes every document in the collection""" return self.action('PUT', 'truncate')
[docs] def empty(self): """alias for truncate""" return self.truncate()
[docs] def load(self): """loads collection in memory""" return self.action('PUT', 'load')
[docs] def unload(self): """unloads collection from memory""" return self.action('PUT', 'unload')
[docs] def revision(self): """returns the current revision""" return self.action('GET', 'revision')["revision"]
[docs] def properties(self): """returns the current properties""" return self.action('GET', 'properties')
[docs] def checksum(self): """returns the current checksum""" return self.action('GET', 'checksum')["checksum"]
[docs] def count(self): """returns the number of documents in the collection""" return self.action('GET', 'count')["count"]
[docs] def figures(self): "a more elaborate version of count, see arangodb docs for more infos" return self.action('GET', 'figures')
[docs] def getType(self): """returns a word describing the type of the collection (edges or ducments) instead of a number, if you prefer the number it's in self.type""" if self.type == CONST.COLLECTION_DOCUMENT_TYPE: return "document" elif self.type == CONST.COLLECTION_EDGE_TYPE: return "edge" raise ValueError("The collection is of Unknown type %s" % self.type)
[docs] def getStatus(self): """returns a word describing the status of the collection (loaded, loading, deleted, unloaded, newborn) instead of a number, if you prefer the number it's in self.status""" if self.status == CONST.COLLECTION_LOADING_STATUS: return "loading" elif self.status == CONST.COLLECTION_LOADED_STATUS: return "loaded" elif self.status == CONST.COLLECTION_DELETED_STATUS: return "deleted" elif self.status == CONST.COLLECTION_UNLOADED_STATUS: return "unloaded" elif self.status == CONST.COLLECTION_NEWBORN_STATUS: return "newborn" raise ValueError("The collection has an Unknown status %s" % self.status)
def __len__(self): """returns the number of documents in the collection""" return self.count() def __repr__(self): return "ArangoDB collection name: %s, id: %s, type: %s, status: %s" % (,, self.getType(), self.getStatus()) def __getitem__(self, key): """returns a document from the cache. If it's not there, fetches it from the db and caches it first. If the cache is not activated this is equivalent to fetchDocument( rawResults=False)""" if self.documentCache is None: return self.fetchDocument(key, rawResults = False) try: return self.documentCache[key] except KeyError: doc = self.fetchDocument(key, rawResults = False) self.documentCache.cache(doc) return doc def __contains__(self, key): """if doc in collection""" try: self.fetchDocument(key, rawResults = False) return True except DocumentNotFoundError as e: return False
class SystemCollection(Collection): """for all collections with isSystem = True""" def __init__(self, database, jsonData): Collection.__init__(self, database, jsonData)
[docs]class Edges(Collection): """The default edge collection. All edge Collections must inherit from it""" arangoPrivates = ["_id", "_key", "_rev", "_to", "_from"] def __init__(self, database, jsonData): """This one is meant to be called by the database""" Collection.__init__(self, database, jsonData) self.documentClass = Edge self.edgesURL = "%s/edges/%s" % (self.database.getURL(),
[docs] @classmethod def validateField(cls, fieldName, value): """checks if 'value' is valid for field 'fieldName'. If the validation is unsuccessful, raises a SchemaViolation or a ValidationError. for nested dicts ex: {address : { street: xxx} }, fieldName can take the form address.street """ try: valValue = Collection.validateField(fieldName, value) except SchemaViolation as e: if fieldName == "_from" or fieldName == "_to": return True raise e return valValue
[docs] def createEdge(self, initValues = None): """Create an edge populated with defaults""" return self.createDocument(initValues)
[docs] def getInEdges(self, vertex, rawResults = False): """An alias for getEdges() that returns only the in Edges""" return self.getEdges(vertex, inEdges = True, outEdges = False, rawResults = rawResults)
[docs] def getOutEdges(self, vertex, rawResults = False): """An alias for getEdges() that returns only the out Edges""" return self.getEdges(vertex, inEdges = False, outEdges = True, rawResults = rawResults)
[docs] def getEdges(self, vertex, inEdges = True, outEdges = True, rawResults = False): """returns in, out, or both edges liked to a given document. vertex can be either a Document object or a string for an _id. If rawResults a arango results will be return as fetched, if false, will return a liste of Edge objects""" if isinstance(vertex, Document): vId = vertex._id elif isinstance(vertex,str) or isinstance(vertex,bytes): vId = vertex else: raise ValueError("Vertex is neither a Document nor a String") params = {"vertex" : vId} if inEdges and outEdges: pass elif inEdges: params["direction"] = "in" elif outEdges: params["direction"] = "out" else: raise ValueError("inEdges, outEdges or both must have a boolean value") r = self.connection.session.get(self.edgesURL, params = params) data = r.json() if r.status_code == 200: if not rawResults: ret = [] for e in data["edges"]: ret.append(Edge(self, e)) return ret return data["edges"] else: raise CreationError("Unable to return edges for vertex: %s" % vId, data)
class BulkOperation(object): def __init__(self, collection, batchSize=100): self.coll = collection self.batchSize = batchSize def __enter__(self): self.coll._isBulkInProgress = True self.coll._bulkSize = self.batchSize return self.coll def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.coll._finalizeBatch();