
class pyArango.document.DocumentStore(collection, validators=None, initDct=None, patch=False, subStore=False, validateInit=False)[source]

Store all the data of a document in hierarchy of stores and handles validation. Does not store private information, these are in the document.


get patches as a dictionary


get the inner store as dictionary


reset patches


Set the store using a dictionary


Validate the whole document


Validatie a field

class pyArango.document.Document(collection, jsonFieldInit=None, on_load_validation=False)[source]

The class that represents a document. Documents are meant to be instanciated by collections


deletes the document from the database


saves even if the document has not been modified since the last save

getEdges(edges, inEdges=True, outEdges=True, rawResults=False)[source]

returns in, out, or both edges linked to self belonging the collection ‘edges’. If rawResults a arango results will be return as fetched, if false, will return a liste of Edge objects

getInEdges(edges, rawResults=False)[source]

An alias for getEdges() that returns only the in Edges

getOutEdges(edges, rawResults=False)[source]

An alias for getEdges() that returns only the out Edges


return the patches in a dict format


If we’re working with an arangodb cluster, we can use this method to fetch where a document lives.


return the store in a dict format

patch(keepNull=True, **docArgs)[source]

Saves the document by only updating the modified fields. The default behaviour concening the keepNull parameter is the opposite of ArangoDB’s default, Null values won’t be ignored Use docArgs for things such as waitForSync = True

reset(collection, jsonFieldInit=None, on_load_validation=False)[source]

replaces the current values in the document by those in jsonFieldInit

save(waitForSync=False, **docArgs)[source]

Saves the document to the database by either performing a POST (for a new document) or a PUT (complete document overwrite). If you want to only update the modified fields use the .patch() function. Use docArgs to put things such as ‘waitForSync = True’ (for a full list cf ArangoDB’s doc). It will only trigger a saving of the document if it has been modified since the last save. If you want to force the saving you can use forceSave()


saves a copy of the object and become that copy. returns a tuple (old _key, new _key)


set the document with a dictionary


will set self._id, self._rev and self._key field.


reset the document to the default values


validate the document

class pyArango.document.Edge(edgeCollection, jsonFieldInit=None, on_load_validation=False)[source]

An Edge document

An alias to save that updates the _from and _to attributes. fromVertice and toVertice, can be either strings or documents. It they are unsaved documents, they will be automatically saved.

reset(edgeCollection, jsonFieldInit=None, on_load_validation=False)[source]

replaces the current values in the document by those in jsonFieldInit


Works like Document’s except that you must specify ‘_from’ and ‘_to’ vertices before. There’s also a links() function especially for first saves.