Source code for pyArango.graph

import json
from future.utils import with_metaclass

from .theExceptions import (CreationError, DeletionError, UpdateError, TraversalError)
from . import collection as COL
from . import document as DOC

__all__ = ["Graph", "getGraphClass", "isGraph", "getGraphClasses", "Graph_metaclass", "EdgeDefinition"]

[docs]class Graph_metaclass(type): """Keeps track of all graph classes and does basic validations on fields""" graphClasses = {} def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): clsObj = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) if name != 'Graph': try: if len(attrs['_edgeDefinitions']) < 1: raise CreationError("Graph class '%s' has no edge definition" % name) except KeyError: raise CreationError("Graph class '%s' has no field _edgeDefinition" % name) if name != "Graph": Graph_metaclass.graphClasses[name] = clsObj return clsObj
[docs] @classmethod def getGraphClass(cls, name): """return a graph class by its name""" try: return cls.graphClasses[name] except KeyError: raise KeyError("There's no child of Graph by the name of: %s" % name)
[docs] @classmethod def isGraph(cls, name): """returns true/false depending if there is a graph called name""" return name in cls.graphClasses
[docs]def getGraphClass(name): """alias for Graph_metaclass.getGraphClass()""" return Graph_metaclass.getGraphClass(name)
[docs]def isGraph(name): """alias for Graph_metaclass.isGraph()""" return Graph_metaclass.isGraph(name)
[docs]def getGraphClasses(): "returns a dictionary of all defined graph classes" return Graph_metaclass.graphClasses
[docs]class EdgeDefinition(object): """An edge definition for a graph""" def __init__(self, edgesCollection, fromCollections, toCollections): = edgesCollection self.edgesCollection = edgesCollection self.fromCollections = fromCollections self.toCollections = toCollections def toJson(self): return { 'collection' : self.edgesCollection, 'from' : self.fromCollections, 'to' : self.toCollections } def __str__(self): return '<ArangoED>'+ str(self.toJson()) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class Graph(with_metaclass(Graph_metaclass, object)): """The class from witch all your graph types must derive""" _edgeDefinitions = [] _orphanedCollections = [] def __init__(self, database, jsonInit): self.database = database self.connection = self.database.connection try: self._key = jsonInit["_key"] except KeyError: self._key = jsonInit["name"] except KeyError: raise KeyError("'jsonInit' must have a field '_key' or a field 'name'") = self._key self._rev = jsonInit["_rev"] self._id = jsonInit["_id"] orfs = set(self._orphanedCollections) for o in jsonInit["orphanCollections"]: if o not in orfs: self._orphanedCollections.append(o) if self.connection.verbose: print("Orphan collection %s is not in graph definition. Added it" % o) self.definitions = {} edNames = set() for ed in self._edgeDefinitions: self.definitions[ed.edgesCollection] = ed.edgesCollection for ed in jsonInit["edgeDefinitions"]: if ed["collection"] not in self.definitions: self.definitions[ed["collection"]] = EdgeDefinition(ed["collection"], fromCollections = ed["from"], toCollections = ed["to"]) if self.connection.verbose: print("Edge definition %s is not in graph definition. Added it" % ed) for de in self._edgeDefinitions: if de.edgesCollection not in self.database.collections and not COL.isEdgeCollection(de.edgesCollection): raise KeyError("'%s' is not a valid edge collection" % de.edgesCollection) self.definitions[de.edgesCollection] = de def getURL(self): return "%s/%s" % (self.database.getGraphsURL(), self._key)
[docs] def createVertex(self, collectionName, docAttributes, waitForSync = False): """adds a vertex to the graph and returns it""" url = "%s/vertex/%s" % (self.getURL(), collectionName) store = DOC.DocumentStore(self.database[collectionName], validators=self.database[collectionName]._fields, initDct=docAttributes) # self.database[collectionName].validateDct(docAttributes) store.validate() r =, data = json.dumps(docAttributes, default=str), params = {'waitForSync' : waitForSync}) data = r.json() if r.status_code == 201 or r.status_code == 202: return self.database[collectionName][data["vertex"]["_key"]] raise CreationError("Unable to create vertice, %s" % data["errorMessage"], data)
[docs] def deleteVertex(self, document, waitForSync = False): """deletes a vertex from the graph as well as al linked edges""" url = "%s/vertex/%s" % (self.getURL(), document._id) r = self.connection.session.delete(url, params = {'waitForSync' : waitForSync}) data = r.json() if r.status_code == 200 or r.status_code == 202: return True raise DeletionError("Unable to delete vertice, %s" % document._id, data)
[docs] def createEdge(self, collectionName, _fromId, _toId, edgeAttributes, waitForSync = False): """creates an edge between two documents""" if not _fromId: raise ValueError("Invalid _fromId: %s" % _fromId) if not _toId: raise ValueError("Invalid _toId: %s" % _toId) if collectionName not in self.definitions: raise KeyError("'%s' is not among the edge definitions" % collectionName) url = "%s/edge/%s" % (self.getURL(), collectionName) self.database[collectionName].validatePrivate("_from", _fromId) self.database[collectionName].validatePrivate("_to", _toId) ed = self.database[collectionName].createEdge() ed.set(edgeAttributes) ed.validate() payload = ed.getStore() payload.update({'_from' : _fromId, '_to' : _toId}) r =, data = json.dumps(payload, default=str), params = {'waitForSync' : waitForSync}) data = r.json() if r.status_code == 201 or r.status_code == 202: return self.database[collectionName][data["edge"]["_key"]] # print "\ngraph 160, ", data, payload, _fromId raise CreationError("Unable to create edge, %s" % r.json()["errorMessage"], data)
[docs] def deleteEdge(self, edge, waitForSync = False): """removes an edge from the graph""" url = "%s/edge/%s" % (self.getURL(), edge._id) r = self.connection.session.delete(url, params = {'waitForSync' : waitForSync}) if r.status_code == 200 or r.status_code == 202: return True raise DeletionError("Unable to delete edge, %s" % edge._id, r.json())
[docs] def delete(self): """deletes the graph""" r = self.connection.session.delete(self.getURL()) data = r.json() if r.status_code < 200 or r.status_code > 202 or data["error"]: raise DeletionError(data["errorMessage"], data)
[docs] def traverse(self, startVertex, **kwargs): """Traversal! see: for a full list of the possible kwargs. The function must have as argument either: direction = "outbout"/"any"/"inbound" or expander = "custom JS (see arangodb's doc)". The function can't have both 'direction' and 'expander' as arguments. """ url = "%s/traversal" % self.database.getURL() if type(startVertex) is DOC.Document: startVertex_id = startVertex._id else: startVertex_id = startVertex payload = {"startVertex": startVertex_id, "graphName" :} if "expander" in kwargs: if "direction" in kwargs: raise ValueError("""The function can't have both 'direction' and 'expander' as arguments""") elif "direction" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("""The function must have as argument either: direction = "outbout"/"any"/"inbound" or expander = "custom JS (see arangodb's doc)" """) payload.update(kwargs) r =, data = json.dumps(payload, default=str)) data = r.json() if r.status_code < 200 or r.status_code > 202 or data["error"]: raise TraversalError(data["errorMessage"], data) return data["result"]
def __str__(self): return "ArangoGraph: %s" %