Source code for pyArango.database

import json
import logging
import types

from . import collection as COL
from . import consts as CONST
from . import graph as GR

from .action import DatabaseAction
from .document import Document
from .foxx import Foxx
from .tasks import Tasks
from .graph import Graph
from .query import AQLQuery
from .theExceptions import CreationError, UpdateError, AQLQueryError, TransactionError, AQLFetchError

__all__ = ["Database", "DBHandle"]

[docs]class Database(object): """Databases are meant to be instanciated by connections""" def __init__(self, connection, name): = name self.connection = connection self.action = DatabaseAction(self) self.collections = {} self.graphs = {} self.foxx = Foxx(self) self.tasks = Tasks(self) self.reload() def getURL(self): return '%s/_db/%s/_api' % (self.connection.getEndpointURL(), def getCollectionsURL(self): return '%s/collection' % (self.getURL()) def getCursorsURL(self): return '%s/cursor' % (self.getURL()) def getExplainURL(self): return '%s/explain' % (self.getURL()) def getGraphsURL(self): return "%s/gharial" % self.getURL() def getTransactionURL(self): return "%s/transaction" % self.getURL()
[docs] def reloadCollections(self): "reloads the collection list." r = self.connection.session.get(self.getCollectionsURL()) data = r.json() if r.status_code == 200: self.collections = {} for colData in data["result"]: colName = colData['name'] if colData['isSystem']: colObj = COL.SystemCollection(self, colData) else: try: colClass = COL.getCollectionClass(colName) colObj = colClass(self, colData) except KeyError: if colData["type"] == CONST.COLLECTION_EDGE_TYPE: colObj = COL.Edges(self, colData) elif colData["type"] == CONST.COLLECTION_DOCUMENT_TYPE: colObj = COL.Collection(self, colData) else: print(("Warning!! Collection of unknown type: %d, trying to load it as Collection nonetheless." % colData["type"])) colObj = COL.Collection(self, colData) self.collections[colName] = colObj else: raise UpdateError(data["errorMessage"], data)
[docs] def reloadGraphs(self): "reloads the graph list" r = self.connection.session.get(self.getGraphsURL()) data = r.json() if r.status_code == 200: self.graphs = {} for graphData in data["graphs"]: try: self.graphs[graphData["_key"]] = GR.getGraphClass(graphData["_key"])(self, graphData) except KeyError: self.graphs[graphData["_key"]] = Graph(self, graphData) else: raise UpdateError(data["errorMessage"], data)
[docs] def reload(self): "reloads collections and graphs" self.reloadCollections() self.reloadGraphs() self.foxx.reload()
[docs] def createCollection(self, className = 'Collection', **colProperties): """Creates a collection and returns it. ClassName the name of a class inheriting from Collection or Egdes, it can also be set to 'Collection' or 'Edges' in order to create untyped collections of documents or edges. Use colProperties to put things such as 'waitForSync = True' (see ArangoDB's doc for a full list of possible arugments). If a '_properties' dictionary is defined in the collection schema, arguments to this function overide it""" colClass = COL.getCollectionClass(className) if len(colProperties) > 0: colProperties = dict(colProperties) else: try: colProperties = dict(colClass._properties) except AttributeError: colProperties = {} if className != 'Collection' and className != 'Edges' and 'name' not in colProperties: colProperties['name'] = className else: if 'name' not in colProperties: raise ValueError("a 'name' argument mush be supplied if you want to create a generic collection") if colProperties['name'] in self.collections: raise CreationError("Database %s already has a collection named %s" % (, colProperties['name']) ) if issubclass(colClass, COL.Edges) or colClass.__class__ is COL.Edges: colProperties["type"] = CONST.COLLECTION_EDGE_TYPE else: colProperties["type"] = CONST.COLLECTION_DOCUMENT_TYPE payload = json.dumps(colProperties, default=str) req =, data = payload) data = req.json() if req.status_code == 200 and not data["error"]: col = colClass(self, data) self.collections[] = col return self.collections[] else: raise CreationError(data["errorMessage"], data)
[docs] def fetchDocument(self, _id): "fetchs a document using it's _id" sid = _id.split("/") return self[sid[0]][sid[1]]
[docs] def createGraph(self, name, createCollections = True, isSmart = False, numberOfShards = None, smartGraphAttribute = None, replicationFactor = None, writeConcern = None): """Creates a graph and returns it. 'name' must be the name of a class inheriting from Graph. Checks will be performed to make sure that every collection mentionned in the edges definition exist. Raises a ValueError in case of a non-existing collection.""" def _checkCollectionList(lst): for colName in lst: if not COL.isCollection(colName): raise ValueError("'%s' is not a defined Collection" % colName) graphClass = GR.getGraphClass(name) ed = [] for e in graphClass._edgeDefinitions: if not COL.isEdgeCollection(e.edgesCollection): raise ValueError("'%s' is not a defined Edge Collection" % e.edgesCollection) _checkCollectionList(e.fromCollections) _checkCollectionList(e.toCollections) ed.append(e.toJson()) _checkCollectionList(graphClass._orphanedCollections) options = {} if numberOfShards: options['numberOfShards'] = numberOfShards if smartGraphAttribute: options['smartGraphAttribute'] = smartGraphAttribute if replicationFactor: options['replicationFactor'] = replicationFactor if writeConcern: options['writeConcern'] = writeConcern payload = { "name": name, "edgeDefinitions": ed, "orphanCollections": graphClass._orphanedCollections } if isSmart: payload['isSmart'] = isSmart if options: payload['options'] = options payload = json.dumps(payload) r =, data = payload) data = r.json() if r.status_code == 201 or r.status_code == 202: self.graphs[name] = graphClass(self, data["graph"]) else: raise CreationError(data["errorMessage"], data) return self.graphs[name]
def createSatelliteGraph(self, name, createCollections = True): return self.createGraph(name, createCollections, False, None, None, "satellite", None);
[docs] def hasCollection(self, name): """returns true if the databse has a collection by the name of 'name'""" return name in self.collections
[docs] def hasGraph(self, name): """returns true if the databse has a graph by the name of 'name'""" return name in self.graphs
[docs] def dropAllCollections(self): """drops all public collections (graphs included) from the database""" for graph_name in self.graphs: self.graphs[graph_name].delete() for collection_name in self.collections: # Collections whose name starts with '_' are system collections if not collection_name.startswith('_'): self[collection_name].delete() return
[docs] def AQLQuery(self, query, batchSize = 100, rawResults = False, bindVars = None, options = None, count = False, fullCount = False, json_encoder = None, **moreArgs): """Set rawResults = True if you want the query to return dictionnaries instead of Document objects. You can use **moreArgs to pass more arguments supported by the api, such as ttl=60 (time to live)""" if bindVars is None: bindVars = {} if options is None: options = {} return AQLQuery(self, query, rawResults = rawResults, batchSize = batchSize, bindVars = bindVars, options = options, count = count, fullCount = fullCount, json_encoder = json_encoder, **moreArgs)
def __get_logger(self, logger, log_level): if logger is None: return None return getattr(logger, logging.getLevelName(log_level).lower())
[docs] def fetch_element( self, aql_query, bind_vars=None, dont_raise_error_if_empty=False, default_output=None, logger=None, log_level=logging.DEBUG ): """Fetch element by running a query. Parameters ---------- aql_query : str aql query string. bind_vars : dict, optional dictonary of bind variables (the default is None) dont_raise_error_if_empty: bool, optional do not raise error if the returned is empty. (the default is False) default_output: dict, optional default output if no value is returned. (the default is None) logger : Logger, optional logger to log the query and result. (the default is None means don't log) log_level: Logger.loglevel, optional level of the log. (the default is logging.DEBUG) Raises ------ AQLFetchError When unable to fetch results or more than one 1 results returned. Returns ------- any an element returned by query. """ log = self.__get_logger(logger, log_level) if log is not None: log(aql_query) if bind_vars is None: bind_vars = {} response = self.AQLQuery( aql_query, bindVars=bind_vars, rawResults=True ).response if log is not None: log(response["result"]) num_results = len(response["result"]) if num_results == 1: return response["result"][0] if dont_raise_error_if_empty and num_results == 0: return default_output raise AQLFetchError( "No results matched for query." if num_results == 0 else "More than one results received" )
[docs] def fetch_list( self, aql_query, bind_vars=None, batch_size=200, dont_raise_error_if_empty=False, logger=None, log_level=logging.DEBUG ): """Fetch list of elements by running a query and merging all the batches. Parameters ---------- aql_query : str aql query string. bind_vars : dict, optional dictonary of bind variables (the default is None) batch_size : int, optional fetching batch size (the default is 200) dont_raise_error_if_empty: bool, optional do not raise error if the returned is empty. (the default is False) logger : Logger, optional logger to log the query and result. (the default is None means don't log) log_level: Logger.loglevel, optional level of the log. (the default is logging.DEBUG) Raises ------ AQLFetchError When unable to fetch results Returns ------- list(any) a list returned by query. """ try: log = self.__get_logger(logger, log_level) if log is not None: log(aql_query) query = self.AQLQuery( aql_query, batchSize=batch_size, rawResults=True, bindVars=(bind_vars if bind_vars is not None else {}) ) batch_index = 0 result = [] while True: if len(query.response['result']) == 0: break result.extend(query.response['result']) batch_index += 1 query.nextBatch() except StopIteration: if log is not None: log(result) if len(result) != 0: return result except: raise if batch_index == 0 and dont_raise_error_if_empty: return [] raise AQLFetchError( "No results matched for query in fetching the batch index: %s." % ( batch_index ) )
[docs] def fetch_list_as_batches( self, aql_query, bind_vars=None, batch_size=200, dont_raise_error_if_empty=False, logger=None, log_level=logging.DEBUG ): """Fetch list of elements as batches by running the query. Generator which yeilds each batch as result. Parameters ---------- aql_query : str aql query string. bind_vars : dict, optional dictonary of bind variables (the default is None) batch_size : int, optional fetching batch size (the default is 200) dont_raise_error_if_empty: bool, optional do not raise error if the returned is empty. (the default is False) logger : Logger, optional logger to log the query and result. (the default is None means don't log) log_level: Logger.loglevel, optional level of the log. (the default is logging.DEBUG) Raises ------ AQLFetchError When unable to fetch results Returns ------- list(any) a list returned by query. """ try: log = self.__get_logger(logger, log_level) if log is not None: log(aql_query) query = self.AQLQuery( aql_query, batchSize=batch_size, rawResults=True, bindVars=(bind_vars if bind_vars is not None else {}) ) batch_index = 0 while True: if len(query.response['result']) == 0: break if log is not None: log( "batch_result for index '%s': %s", batch_index, query.response['result'] ) yield query.response['result'] batch_index += 1 query.nextBatch() except StopIteration: return except: raise if batch_index == 0 and dont_raise_error_if_empty: return raise AQLFetchError( "No results matched for query in fetching the batch index: %s." % ( batch_index ) )
[docs] def no_fetch_run( self, aql_query, bind_vars=None, logger=None, log_level=logging.DEBUG ): """Run query which doesn't have a return. Parameters ---------- aql_query : str aql query string. bind_vars : dict, optional dictonary of bind variables (the default is None) logger : Logger, optional logger to log the query and result. (the default is None means don't log) log_level: Logger.loglevel, optional level of the log. (the default is logging.DEBUG) Raises ------ AQLFetchError When able to fetch results. """ log = self.__get_logger(logger, log_level) if log is not None: log(aql_query) response = self.AQLQuery( aql_query, rawResults=True, bindVars=(bind_vars if bind_vars is not None else {}) ).response if log is not None: log(response["result"]) if len(response["result"]) == 0: return raise AQLFetchError("No results should be returned for the query.")
[docs] def explainAQLQuery(self, query, bindVars = None, allPlans = False): """Returns an explanation of the query. Setting allPlans to True will result in ArangoDB returning all possible plans. False returns only the optimal plan""" if bindVars is None: bindVars = {} payload = {'query' : query, 'bindVars' : bindVars, 'allPlans' : allPlans} request =, data = json.dumps(payload, default=str)) return request.json()
[docs] def validateAQLQuery(self, query, bindVars = None, options = None): "returns the server answer is the query is valid. Raises an AQLQueryError if not" if bindVars is None: bindVars = {} if options is None: options = {} payload = {'query' : query, 'bindVars' : bindVars, 'options' : options} r =, data = json.dumps(payload, default=str)) data = r.json() if r.status_code == 201 and not data["error"]: return data else: raise AQLQueryError(data["errorMessage"], query, data)
[docs] def transaction(self, collections, action, waitForSync = False, lockTimeout = None, params = None): """Execute a server-side transaction""" payload = { "collections": collections, "action": action, "waitForSync": waitForSync} if lockTimeout is not None: payload["lockTimeout"] = lockTimeout if params is not None: payload["params"] = params self.connection.reportStart(action) r =, data = json.dumps(payload, default=str)) self.connection.reportItem() data = r.json() if (r.status_code == 200 or r.status_code == 201 or r.status_code == 202) and not data.get("error"): return data else: raise TransactionError(data["errorMessage"], action, data)
def __repr__(self): return "ArangoDB database: %s" % # def __contains__(self, name): # """if name in database""" # return self.hasCollection(name) or self.hasGraph(name) def __contains__(self, name_or_id): """allows to check if name_or_id:str is the id of an existing document""" splid = name_or_id.split('/') if len(splid) == 2: col, key = splid try: return key in self[col] except KeyError: return False else: return self.hasCollection(name_or_id) or self.hasGraph(name_or_id) def __getitem__(self, collectionName): """use database[collectionName] to get a collection from the database""" try: return self.collections[collectionName] except KeyError: self.reload() try: return self.collections[collectionName] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Can't find any collection named : %s" % collectionName)
[docs]class DBHandle(Database): "As the loading of a Database also triggers the loading of collections and graphs within. Only handles are loaded first. The full database are loaded on demand in a fully transparent manner." def __init__(self, connection, name): self.connection = connection = name def __getattr__(self, k): name = Database.__getattribute__(self, 'name') connection = Database.__getattribute__(self, 'connection') Database.__init__(self, connection, name) return Database.__getattribute__(self, k)